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 1. John Finley  The Red Cross Spirit Speaks  Librivox Short Poetry 002 
 2. Cecilia & Michael Gallery  I AM...The Holy Spirit...Speaks: I AM The Voice Within  Holy Spirit Messages 
 3. Cecilia & Michael Gallery  I AM...The Holy Spirit...Speaks: I AM The Voice Within  Holy Spirit Messages 
 4. Father's Heart Africa  The Cross:Spirit of the Lamb   
 5. Daniel B. Gilbert Ph.D.  The Cross, The Blood & The Spirit  Conference 
 6. Mark W. Everson  October 19, 2007 featuring Mark W. Everson, President and CEO, American Red Cross, What Makes the Red Cross Unique  City Club of Cleveland Podcast 
 7. Alpha Praise  My Glory All the Cross: Beneath the Cross of Jesus/When I Survey the Wo  The Majesty & Glory of the Resurrection 
 8. Ruth Elaine Schram  10/3622m - Cross Of Sorrow, Cross Of Love  Monarch Music Spring 2008 Sacred Anthems 
 9. St. Augustine  Chs. 39-42: To which attention should be given and in what spirit. Whatever has been rightly said by the heathen we must appropriate. What kind of spirit required for study of Scripture. Sacred script  On Christian Doctrine: Bk. 2 
 10. Dr. Stephen Jones  Quatrefoil as Cross: We are the Foot of the Cross  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 11. Dr. Stephen Jones  Quatrefoil as Cross: We are the Foot of the Cross  Seattle First Baptist Church 
 12. Christ Church Liverpool  The Holy Spirit: The Spirit, the Word and Salvation  Living Room: The Holy Spirit 
 13. Christ Church Liverpool  The Holy Spirit: The Spirit, the Word and Salvation  Living Room: The Holy Spirit 
 14. Family Worship  Spirit, Holy Spirit - TRACK  With One Voice - TRACKS 
 15. Family Worship  Spirit, Holy Spirit - TRACK  With One Voice - TRACKS 
 16. Christ Church Liverpool  The Holy Spirit: The Speaking Spirit  The Training Field: The Holy Spirit 
 17. Christ Church Liverpool  The Holy Spirit: The Speaking Spirit  The Training Field: The Holy Spirit 
 18. Family Worship  Spirit, Holy Spirit - TRACK  With One Voice - TRACKS 
 19. Christ Church Liverpool  The Holy Spirit: Gifts of the Spirit  The Holy Spirit 
 20. Family Worship  Spirit, Holy Spirit - TRACK  With One Voice - TRACKS 
 21. Christ Church Liverpool  The Holy Spirit: Gifts of the Spirit  The Holy Spirit 
 22. Team Strike Force  He Speaks  070506 PM07 
 23. Robert Ashley  She Speaks Again  Your Money My Life Goodbye 
 24. Robert Ashley  She Speaks Again  Your Money My Life Goodbye 
 25. Boston Philovox, Jennifer Lester  God Speaks to Each of Us   
 26. Church on the Rock Waco  When God Speaks  Church on the Rock Waco 
 27. Church on the Rock Waco  When God Speaks  Church on the Rock Waco 
 28. Mark Newman  02 God Speaks  Miscellaneous - Newman 
 29. Family Worship  Spirit, Holy Spirit  With One Voice 
 30. Family Worship  Spirit, Holy Spirit  With One Voice 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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